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SomeDemographic and Health Surveys and other national household surveys have also collected information on early childhood development, typically with the standard, or modified, versions of the MICS questionnaire. This text has been adapted from content originally created by Child Care Aware of America Grant #90LH002 for the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children and Families , Office of Child Care .
Family welcome area- this space should be a warm, welcoming spot for parents and children to depart and come back together. Think about how children will access smocks for art, water, and other messy play. Store the smocks strategically, so children can get them when necessary. Have appropriately sized furniture that children and youth can use comfortably. I have over 18 years experience in child care and my assistant has over 13 years.
Wealth is associated with richer home learning environments for young children
It is also important to think about setting up your classroom with emergent inquiry in mind. Emergent inquiry can be described as learning that evolves as the interests of the children change and they make new discoveries about the world around them. This can include learning centers with flexible spaces, open-ended materials, and a daily schedule. You can organize your space so children encounter meaningful learning opportunities throughout.

Repeat this message a number of times, and give children plenty of opportunities to practice. Infants need toys that they can shake, drop, mouth, roll, and otherwise explore with their bodies. Toddlers need toys they can push, pull, grab, fill, dump, or yank without causing major damage. Toddlers have not yet learned how to share well, so purchasing several favorite toys can help prevent a lot of behavior problems.
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An advantage to family child care environments is that they feel like home because they are a home. Many families choose a family child care setting for their children because they prefer the home setting that this type of care provides. It is important that you keep the “family” in family child care. To support structured activities, you should plan areas that support group meetings.
The intensity or hue of a particular color can evoke a particular feeling—happiness, tranquility, excitement. Help families feel good about where they are, even if it isn‘t where they want to be long term. This can be done by pointing out what obstacles the family may have overcome and accomplished to find housing, keep their family together, or seeking EHS services. Encourage parents to respond to babies’ sounds, smiles, and gestures as though they are having conversations.
Think about how you will use spaces for group activities, storage, and display. Then identify the resources you need to make those spaces work for you. Make a list of all the materials you will need in each space based on the activities, storage, and displays that you are planning. Considering a different perspective or design can spark new ideas for children.
This means providing thoughtful and well-planned literacy, math, science, and social studies materials in various activity areas. The art area can include books, paintings, pottery, or other materials from a wide array of cultures. What are you hoping children will do within each activity area in your program? What concepts are you currently exploring and how might a provocation in certain areas help extend or focus children’s and youth’s play?
Toxic chemicals can be found in our soil, water, air, and bodies. This contamination has seriously effected the health of humans and wildlife everywhere. In their efforts to craft thriving environments for children and adults.

Break up those long, narrow spaces by rearranging furniture, or add barriers to discourage runners. Place seating areas or small tables at intervals down the hallway. Peaceful environments take time to build and take continual care in order to maintain. In the process of creating and implementing peaceful environments, we are in turn nurturing peaceful and caring children.
Including pictures of children’s and youth’s interests can not only help extend their exploration of certain concepts, but it helps send the message that children’s ideas are valued in your classroom. This allows children to see subtle differences in objects and be more creative with their own interpretations. Display children’s artwork, family photos, or other décor that makes the space feel personalized and home-like. Explain and model how to carefully handle books, toys, and other materials. Even very young children can learn to treasure books, to turn the pages gently, to carry them carefully, and to read them in special places.
When not properly handled, these products can make the home or care environment a dangerous place, especially for kids. These documents should cover important topics, including hours of operation, rates, fees, field trip permission slips, transportation agreements, and absence policies. Read more about recommended items that should be included in a child care contract. Use the See Your State's Resources feature on the website to find the licensing agency and a provider inspection reports for your state. Select the state where you live and click the Submit button.
A family may also choose to bring in materials from their home that are of particular interest or cultural relevance such as clothing or musical instruments. Are pictures, experiences, or items that provoke a child’s thought, interest, questions, or creativity. Remove or rotate materials to avoid clutter and support focused engagement, current skill level, and learning goals. Have developmentally appropriate materials in well-organized places that allow children and youth to take materials out and return them by themselves. Have adequate storage for personal items of children, youth, and staff.

Atypical meeting spaces can be adjusted by using sheets, turning shelves around or adding stop signs to minimize distractions and support engagement. Just make sure there is enough space for everybody involved to sit comfortably. Space is very important and can enhance or hinder a child’s learning.
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